How Physical Activity Helps With Substance Addiction Recovery

man hiking to help with substance addiction

Substance abuse and addiction affect more than 20 million people and families across the U.S. Although perfectly treatable, addiction to alcohol or drugs is notoriously challenging to address, and maintaining sobriety can be difficult for many. However, staying physically active has been found to help with the process and is one of the most crucial parts of the recovery process. Mental and emotional coping strategies are important, but a healthy body is the first line of defense against inevitable cravings and stress. Understanding the essential element of recovery is vital for a lifetime of sobriety.

Helpful Physical Activities

Most treatment centers implement a whole-person method to the recovery process to tackle the impacts of drugs and alcohol on mental, physical, and emotional well-being. This approach includes various traditional treatments like behavioral therapy but also movement therapies like fitness. Movement treatments use different disciplines to enhance mental, physical, and emotional well-being. The best physical activities to tackle addiction include hiking, Tai Chi, yoga, dance, swimming, bike riding, and so on.

Physical fitness is already associated with a wide range of mental, emotional, and physical health benefits. Still, these exercises are especially helpful in preventing and treating addiction to substances. Within a formal treatment plan or helped by a personal training program like AshFit, fitness may serve as a practical, non-pharmaceutical strategy for diminishing drug cravings, reducing stress and anxiety, and easing withdrawal symptoms.

Improve Your Mental Health

Depression and anxiety are common challenges among people struggling with substance addiction and those in early recovery. After drug and alcohol detox, individuals in the early sobriety stage may experience agitation and low mood as prolonged withdrawal symptoms. Adopting a nutritious diet, engaging in self-care, and doing something you love every day improves and maintains your mental health. Both low-impact and robust forms of exercise, such as running, swimming, riding a bike, and brisk walking also help produce some of the ‘happiness chemicals’ and release healthy endorphins. This can enhance mood, increase energy levels, and boost feelings of confidence and self-esteem. Overall, eating healthily, exercising, joining a support group, and engaging in self-care have been proven to improve individuals’ well-being.

Maintain a Long-Term Healthy Routine

Engaging in physical fitness can be a very supportive strategy for people in early sobriety and through their recovery journey. While exercise is highly recommended while recovering from substance abuse, it should be adopted into every individual’s daily life — struggling with addiction or not. Implementing a daily exercise routine or planning a hike every weekend can help you maintain your mental, physical, and emotional health.

fitness watch to assist physical activity
Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash

To help you keep up with your good exercise habits, it’s an excellent idea to use technology, such as smartwatches or fitness apps. A fantastic fitness routine also includes music, which can act as a motivator. To get the best of this combination and boost your exercise time, you need quality, budget-friendly noise-canceling headphones.

Another way to maintain a long-term healthy routine is to consult a nutritionist and develop a wholesome diet plan that helps you keep your weight in check while also providing you with necessary nutrients and vitamins. Self-care is also imperative — without taking care of yourself, you’ll become easily burdened by work and other aspects of your life, so consider adopting a self-care routine to help improve your well-being. Self-care strategies include taking regular breaks, sitting in the sun, fixing a warm bath every other evening, buying new clothes, and so on.

Recovering With Physical Fitness

Exercise can be a valuable aspect in creating and developing a healthier, more fulfilling, and happier future in recovery from substance addiction. Although it can take time to regain the energy and strength necessary for some type of fitness, be compassionate to yourself and take it slowly. Then, maintain the good habits by developing a routine that helps you stay healthy and happy.

AshFit provides online personal training, which includes nutrition plans, high-intensity training, and women-specific programs. Try it for free.

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